Qualitative Research Interest Group (QRIG)
The Qualitative Research Interest Group is a working group composed of faculty and graduate students who are engaged in enhancing knowledge and utilization of mixed qualitative methods in research and teaching.
QRIG seeks to elevate mixed qualitative methodologies at University of Maryland through programs that facilitate collaborative research and inquiry:
- Providing fellowships for doctoral students to complete dissertations;
- Providing research and teaching resources; and
- Hosting a lecture series showcasing important and path-breaking qualitative student research.
Application Requirements
The award application consists of:
- An abstract of 150 words or less.
- A proposal (brief description of the dissertation study, see guiding questions under Application Preparation Guidelines), no longer than five (5) pages in length (with 12-point font). It should be addressed to “non-specialists.”
- List of References/Works Cited included in your proposal (not included in 5-page proposal limit)
- A justified budget that proposes funding of a sum between $500 and $2,500 by stating what funds will be used for and why. Funds may be used for direct research costs related to qualitative data analysis. Award amounts will depend on the number and quality of awards approved.
- Timeline for completing and defending the dissertation.
- Letter of support from dissertation chair on official letterhead confirming the approval of the dissertation proposal and the completion of data collection. (Recommended 1-2 pages in length).
- Current CV.
- Current IRB approval letter for the dissertation project.
- Copy of certificate for CITI Human Subjects Research Training completion.
Please review our Advanced Doctoral Student Dissertation Award Preparation Powerpoint as a resource.
Completed applications should be submitted to crge@umd.edu.
CRGE is so pleased to share that our Spring 2024 Advanced Doctoral Student Dissertation Award Panel, “Why Critical Thinking? Black Girls, Spaces, and Education” hosted on Thursday, April 18, was insightful, productive, and a great success!
Thank you to our panelists, Drs. Terra Hall, Blake Turner, and Alexis Young;
Our moderator: Dr. Zambrana;
Dr. Christopher Perez and the Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion;
And to all that joined and participated!